Success with Off-Market Property Investment



Our client wanted to purchase a property for his elderly in-laws so they could be closer to the client and his family. The area was a competitive market with limited listings and those hitting the market exceeding price expectations. The client and his in-laws were very nervous about overpaying due to the market conditions, or not buying at all.

What We Did

We utilised our trusted relationships with sales agents within the target areas to focus on off-market properties as this was our best chance to secure something for a reasonable price in that market.

We sourced an off-market property in a great suburb and were able to arrange trade inspections within 24 hours for an assessment of works required. We assessed the market value to provide us with a price range to operate within.

We arranged a private viewing for our client and his in-laws and once it was established, there was a high probability of securing the property, avoiding early emotional buy-in before it was determined to be a suitable option.

How We Did It

We tapped into our existing database of sales agents within the target area and leaned on our pre-established relationships to find a property before it came to the open market.

Our in-house research team collated the sales evidence needed to establish market value which in turn allowed us to negotiate a good price for our client.

Trusted trade partners were utilised to be able to arrange a quick turnaround of the building inspection/report and quotes for the required works.


Ultimately, we were able to negotiate an offer at the lower end of our pricing assessment in a very competitive market. The client was ecstatic with the purchase, knowing that his in-laws would be able to spend the remainder of their days close to loved ones.

The client is already looking to buy again using 1Group’s services.

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